Navigating MENA, Certifying Success


Why choose us?

LODEXCO is a leading market access company, provide Trading Compliance Solutions, Conformity Certification and Type Approval services for manufacturers and exporters around the world who’s looking to expand into the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) market.

We provide fast-track market access services to all MENA countries through our network of offices supported by high professional and long experienced team that help our clients to understand the governmental requirements of the target market and entering their goods to this market smoothly.

We’ve been around for many years and have earned the loyalty of our clients through our hard work, attention to detail, and customer focus.


What we bring to you

Telecom Equipment Regulatory Approval

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Energy Efficiency Labeling

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Gulf Conformity Mark (G-Mark)

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Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS)

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UAE Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

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Saudi Arabia SASO SABER

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Conformity Certification Programs (CoC)

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Technical Translation

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Standards and Technical Regulations

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Customs Advisory Services

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Our Mission,
and Vision

LODEXCO Mission To deliver the most effective market access solutions for our clients from around the world, and to add value to our employees and partners. We strive to be the firm that clients trust, people want to work for and partners seek out.

LODEXCO Vision Become a leader in the market access consultancy for the MENA region.